Saturday, September 22, 2007

Seen Today

At the gym:

  1. T-shirt with a guy listening to an mp3 player while sitting on the toilet. The caption?...ipood
  2. A Japanese show that featured strange athletic competitions such as rowing what looked like a giant teacup through an obstacle course pool. The teacup was very sensitive to being tipped over, that's why it was difficult. Another competition was walking on stilts through another bizarre obstacle course. The competitor had to walk over a pile of logs, avoid large swinging mallets, walk on a very skinny curved beam, etc..
On the way home from the gym:
  1. Old man with a pink shirt. Caption read: Playboy Club

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hong Kong's Own Wedding Crasher

I know I'll catch some flak from Beth about reposting a story instead of coming up with my own original material, but I couldn't help in on this one:

"Wedding bells prove too much for Tsang

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Hong Kong's very own wedding crasher has said sorry.

Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen yesterday apologized for stealing the spotlight from a couple by sneaking into their wedding ceremony as an uninvited guest.

Evidently, Tsang was entranced by the Gothic-style church in Jilin City, Jilin province, where he spent part of his summer holiday with wife Selina.

The 63-year-old devout Catholic said in his blog it was the first time he was able to witness a church wedding in the mainland so he sneaked in.

"But as soon as I took a seat, I was recognized by a guest. Then more and more people came over to greet us and asked for my signature. In order not to create a further nuisance, I quickly left the scene," he said.

A happy ending then."

What I find most interesting is....Donald Tsang has his own blog??

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Today Beth and I did something out of the ordinary for us. We went hiking. As part of my newly revamped desire to lose weight, I decided that the key to lifelong fitness is for us to become "outdoor people" We'll see how long this lasts (starting the timer!) I've long known that Hong Kong is supposed to be great for hiking, lots of great trails, views, all within close distance to the city. Hong Kong loves to surprise people that think it's just a sprawling, polluted metropolis (it's that too), by stating that 40% of the territory is country parks.

So, I set about to do a little research on where to hike and settled on one called "the Dragon's Back." It's ranked as "the Best Urban Hike in Asia" by Time Magazine. (It wouldn't be very Hong Kong-ish if it didn't top some sort of list) So, this morning we packed our backpacks, grabbed the dog and hailed a cab to our hike. Getting there was difficult by taxi. By MTR and bus, it would have been simple, but having the dog required using a taxi. After a few wrong turns we arrived.

The hike starts off relatively easy, fairly cool due to being shaded by trees. Just as we're remarking on this, we turn onto the actual "Dragon's Back" part of the trail. It's called the dragon's back because it involves a lot of going up and down hills that vaguely look like a dragon's back. On the plus side, this presents some really great views.

The hardest part was dealing with Zoe. I don't know if this is her finally getting old, if it was just too hot and long for her to handle, or if she was just being a drama queen (probably all of the above) But she did get quite tired and hot requiring several stops and we near ran out of water for the 3 of us. Zoe even whined when lying down whether on the trail or in the taxi and so we'll probably leave her out of the next hike. Perhaps she can handle another track in the fall or winter, when the heat dies down.

Here's a couple pictures:

One of the steep climbs on the Dragon's Back (is steeper than it looks)

View from the highest peak of the dragon's back:

And the obligatory 'proof that we actually did this hike' picture:

I would like to point out it is very Hong Kong to have the umbrella with 24/7. Rain or shine, people here like to be protected from the elements above. Though regardless of Beth's use of the umbrella we both finished with quite bad sunburns.