I've been tagged to post a list of 8 things you don't know about me. Here goes:
- I repeated kindergarten. Yep, that's right, I failed a class that consisted mostly of coloring and trying not to wet your pants.
- For a brief time in the 80's I had the back of my hair grown out and permed...and no, I wasn't in an 80's pop band.
- I have owned a pair of "Michael Jackson" parachute pants with zippers all over them.
- I have never had a broken bone.
- For the longest time, I thought spinning classes consisted of people spinning around...wouldn't that make them dizzy?
- I have never read any of the Harry Potter books nor seen any of the movies. I know, I know...I'm missing out, so sue me
- I used to have the entire script to "It's Christmas Time Charlie Brown" and "The Grinch that Stole Christmas" memorized. I wholly blame my obsessive little sister over that. She probably still has it memorized.
- I wish I had an eyesight problem, so I'd have an excuse to wear glasses. I think they look good on me.