Thursday, March 30, 2006

My legs don't hurt nearly as much...

Happy Birthday to my wifee!

We're now in our new apartment in Sheung Wan. It definately feels like a different part of the city from Soho/Central, but in reality it's only a 15 minute walk away. One of things I appreciate about our new place is how I can go out and about and return to the apartment without climbing any hills or stairs..yes!

Of course, all good things are not without their downfalls, one of which is that the primary product of the local economy appears to be gross smelling dried food. And it feels like there are two or three shops selling them on every street corner. How is it that they each manage to turn a profit?? This stuff looks and smells like stuff we give the dog to chew on and keep her occupied for an hour! But, I doubt that she would like it either.

In Soho, it was a ton of small (as in no more than 10 people can fit in) restaraunts that were everywhere, here it's the smelly food stores, hopefully the restaraunts aren't buying there food from here. Gross, dry food is still gross even when rehydrated.

Anyway, here are some pictures from our new place...all the shots were taken from inside our new apartment, on the 40th floor (actually more like 34th floor, there are several floors 'missing')

These two were taking from our study:

Just for fun...

This one was taken from our living room:

And now, for something completely different...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Random silliness from Hong Kong

This was found in one of our favorite grocery stores...funny thing is this is a product exported from the US:

"Pastabilities...I love it!"

Zoe...what exactly do you do when we leave you alone in the apartment?:

If it's no good...feed it to the dog:

That's one cool race horse:

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The next time you see me my thighs will be the size of tree trunks!

This is the view I see as soon as entering our apartment elevator, so this begins my trek up to our 5th floor apartment...yes, Chris, you can now laugh at me for never taking the stairs at work!

Amongst my other daily routines is the regular trek to get water. We haven't figured out yet if this is one of those "don't drink the water" places. So, in the mean time, we're playing it safe. I saw a program on the Discovery chnnel the other day that showed these women living in the desert who had to travel 3 hours every day to get water. While my trek is only about 10 minutes away, including the use of a convenient escalator, somehow I can relate! So, needless to say, I'm treking up and down those stairs on a fairly regular basis with water jugs and other grocery items in hand! Of course, Zoe doesn't seem to mind.

This is one of the many great views in Hong Kong, this one from the HK Botanical Gardens:

The Botanical Gardens also has a small, free zoo which contains some monkeys, orangutans and a jaguar:

And finally, you've heard the music, gone to the show, now wear the clothes!*:

*U2 clothes has no affiliation with U2 the band, any resemblance is purely coincidental.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Beth's Art

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Random pictures from HK

Yesterday, I walked Beth to work. On the way back, I passed this building. I had read earlier that this building was supposed to have a really unique design, but it doesn't look that different to me. I guess it was the most expensive building in the world at the time it was built:
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In Hong Kong they put statues of lions outside all of there building to symbolize their dominance over their competitors...ok, I made that up, but you would have believed me, right?

I don't know what it says, but it looks like fun!: