Sunday, June 24, 2007

Eye in the Sky

Beth and I saw our first Hong Kong movie yesterday.  We saw "Eye in the Sky" (cantonese, with english subtitiles) which was filmed entirely in Hong Kong, most of it on the island in places we are regularly around.  As we've mentioned before, we often see movies being filmed here, so we were interested in seeing the end result of one of them.  On one of our first days out after arriving in HK, we witnessed a jewlery store robbery, which turned out to be a filming of a movie.  Beth wrote about it here.  About a month later, we also happened upon another movie being filmed. turns out that these were both scenes from Eye in the Sky!  What's interesting, is that when both these scenes were being filmed, they appeared to be from a fairly low-budget, small film.  The crew was fairly small, the roads generally weren't closed off, etc.  Eye in the Sky was a fairly well produced movie and got a fair amount of publicity in HK.  I don't think it will be coming soon to a theatre near you or win an Oscar, but it was entertaining.  If you want to get a good picture of HK and get the chance to see it, I do recommend it.

What's it actually about?  Good question!  It's about the "Survelience Unit" (i don't know if this actually exists) whose job it is to track and follow suspected criminals.  They utilize a network of CCTV feeds, fancy spy equipment and good old fashioned stalking.  They are the people who are just hanging around on the streets: young kids, a beggar, a business man...all covertly operating as spys on the street.

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