Thursday, March 02, 2006

Random pictures from HK

Yesterday, I walked Beth to work. On the way back, I passed this building. I had read earlier that this building was supposed to have a really unique design, but it doesn't look that different to me. I guess it was the most expensive building in the world at the time it was built:
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In Hong Kong they put statues of lions outside all of there building to symbolize their dominance over their competitors...ok, I made that up, but you would have believed me, right?

I don't know what it says, but it looks like fun!:


Cam-Fu said...

Hahaha! Nice joke about the lion.

Jessica DeLand said...

You have such power over our eager minds in the states! Yes, I would have believed that lions are placed outside of buildings to portray dominance. Sounds completely reasonable- why else are the lions there? Find out for me. Thanks for posting awesome pictures, Nick.